5 Workout Essentials to Keep in Your Gym Bag

Preparation is the key when it comes to following a successful workout routine. For complete preparation, it is essential that you have the right items in your gym bag. This article lists the top five essential workout items to keep in your gym bag. If you want to take your workout sessions to the next level, then you should definitely have all these items in hand.

workout essentials to keep in your gym bag5 workout essentials to keep in your gym bag 

  1. Workout supplements

A number of pre and post-workout supplements are available in the market. Some of them are BCAA/ Amino, Creatine, Glutamine, Pre Workout and Testosterone Boosters (natural). Before buying any one of them, ensure that you have done enough research. There are various products that are tried and tested, but there are others as well which are not effective at all. A proven supplement should be used that promotes speedy muscle recovery and healing. You should also go through the reviews to make sure that there are no side effects. When you have found the perfect supplement, then keep it in your gym bag at all times.

  1. Heart rate monitoring device

Monitoring your heart rate during and after your workout is very important. You can use a Fitbit, smartwatch or heart rate monitor attachment for your smartphone. Your heart rate can be divided into different zones that comprise resting, warm-up, fat burn, endurance and maximum heart rate. These zones help you in monitoring where your heart is. This can be useful for High-Intensity Impact Training (HIIT). You should be at 70 to 90 percent of your maximum heart rate during the actual workout, whereas it should be 60 to 65 percent for resting. You can know your targeted heart rate by using the maximum heart rate formula. A heart rate monitor will help you in hitting your target heart rate every time. Thus, any workout can be turned into a HIIT workout.

  1. Mini-foam roller

A big mistake that people make in the gym is to finish their workout without a cooldown or stretching period. Cooling down and stretching help in faster recovery of muscles for the next training session. A foam roller helps in applying direct pressure to muscles and tissues while you are stretching. This gets to the deep tissues and muscles and helps in speedy recovery of muscles by working out the knots.

  1. Compression socks

There is a big misconception that muscle soreness following a workout is a good thing. Likening the idea to ‘feeling the burn’, it means that you had a good workout. But the truth is that the soreness is caused by swelling of the muscles, which leads to pain. Thus, compression socks are needed to relieve the swelling. They reduce muscle swelling which helps in faster recovery. Poor circulation in legs and feet caused by overworking the heart and gravity during exercising results in swelling. The farther from the heart they are, the socks with graduated compression get tighter. The arches of the feet will be tighter than the calves. This extra blood rush in your feet will prevent them from getting sore or swollen after the workout. Heel pain or shin splints from running on pavement or concrete can also be prevented by using these specialised socks. Better circulation is promoted due to the snugness of the socks. Thus, inflammation and the pain associated with the inflamed muscle are reduced. Due to these reasons, compression socks are must-have workout essentials.

  1. Gloves

Workout gloves are counted among mandatory workout essentials especially for those who are engaged in bodybuilding. These help in improving your grip, relieve pressure on your hands and prevent blisters and calluses.

Your gym bag should have everything that is needed by you before and after getting to the gym. Also, carry some snacks in order to refuel yourself after every workout.

A new venture set up in 2019, Fitwise has emerged as a reliable name offering the most genuine workout essentials to keep in your gym bag. It makes available high-quality health and nutrition products such as protein powder, weight gainer, multi-vitamins, probiotics, and many more. It is the one-stop shop for all your workout essential needs. The products are delivered at your doorstep within the prescribed timeframe. Fitwise is an authentic platform that never compromises with the quality of its products. Innumerable quality checks are run by extremely proficient staff that has vast experience of serving the health and pharmaceutical industry. The company leaves no stone unturned to give complete satisfaction to its customers.