You Should Know The Benefits Of A Full Body Check-Up

It is important always to have all the knowledge you can acquire when your health is involved. You can never be too careful, neither can you be too cautious. This is one of the reasons why a full body check-up is very important because it allows you to take note of any health issues early on and take necessary actions to treat them before they get too serious. Generally, a full-body health check-up is one way to be sure of your health status and avert potentially dangerous health issues. 

What is a Full Body Check-Up?

As the name implies, a full body check-up is a comprehensive test that assesses an individual’s overall health. It consists of a detailed medical history, an ECG, a physical examination, blood tests, and other specific scanning techniques. There are different health check-up packages available at Blood London, one of which is the Platinum package that offers a very in-depth body check-up. 

Before the day of your check-up, you will have to fill a medical questionnaire that will help us take note of any potential risk factors, any area that should be closely watched, as well as tailor the test to your own medical needs.

Full-Body Check-Up

For the check-up, the first tests to be carried out are the blood test and the ECG. Next is the CT scan, which is carried out in the advanced imaging suite. After the CT scans, the MRI and ultrasound follow immediately. Afterwards, the scans will be reviewed by an experienced radiologist who will look for any abnormality. Note that about seven different consultants will review your scan according to their area of expertise.

Finally, a follow-up consultation between you and your consultants and specialists will be scheduled to discuss your results.

Why is it Important to Get a Full-Body Check-Up?

It is important to engage in preventive healthcare for long and healthy life. Unfortunately, most people only make out time for medical imaging or tests when they are experiencing symptoms. This makes it harder to resolve the problem because the illness must have progressed further.

This can be prevented with the help of a full health check-up. Through this process, potentially dangerous health issues are identified on time and at their early stages before they have had the chance to develop into more serious health challenges. Note that these tests can identify about 92% of the causes of premature death in people’s lives when something could have been done about it. This means that such cases have a higher chance of being treated successfully at such times.

Additionally, these abnormal health conditions that are detected through a full body check-up can be treated effectively using minimally invasive procedures. In plain terms, it simply means that it is better and easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.

What Does a Full-Body Check-Up Cover?

As stated earlier, different tests are involved in a full body check-up. For example, scans focus on specific body parts, like the scan covering the bone density or the mammogram that focuses on women. Other scans are focused on larger areas of the body.

For an in-depth assessment, know that more than one test or scan will be carried out, and multiple scans can be carried out on just one part of the body. For example, if the heart needs to be assessed, there are a number of scans that can be carried out just for the heart alone, and they include ECG, CT chest, CT coronary artery calcium scan, CT aorta, CT coronary angiogram etc.

Why are Different Imaging Modalities Used?

Different scanning techniques have to be used for a comprehensive test because of their superiority at detecting different health conditions. Take a look at this scenario; an MRI scanner is ideal for taking images of the brain, bones and spine; however, it cannot be used to visualise the interior of the heart, the lungs or even the arteries. For this, the appropriate imaging modality would be the CT scanner.

Furthermore, the machines used in the imaging tests are more advanced and superior to the ones used by NHS. In summary, all imaging technologies have their uses and application for best results after tests. When all the necessary ones are implemented for a full body check-up, you can be sure of the best and most accurate results.

What Happens When Abnormalities are Detected?

Remember that one of the major reasons why people go for a full body check-up is to detect any abnormality in its early stages so that the chances of successful treatment can be high. While it is normal for the individual to panic when an abnormality is detected, you can be assured that we will provide you with all the help you need.

At Blood London, we do not offer treatment options after the test. Our medical services only involve the detection of diseases through blood tests and other types of tests. On that note, if any abnormality is detected, we would refer you to the appropriate consultant or specialist without making you wait for long. Be rest assured that the specialist you will be directed to will be the ones that are reputed and qualified. Furthermore, you can decide to see your own private GP for more referrals, and we will allow you to take your imaging results along with you.

For more information on full-body check-ups or how to get a complete body check-up in London, get in touch with us at Private Blood Tests London. Give us a call or send us an email to book an appointment or consultation with us.