The One Way Flights Deals That Fit in Your Budget

One way flights can be one of the most affordable and cost-effective ways to get from one destination to another. This guide will walk you through finding cheap one-way flight deals that fit your budget. If you’re planning a trip, these tips will help you plan for the costs of your journey by comparing prices and offering options that fit your travel preferences.

One Way Flight

What One-Way Flights Are

Cheap One-way flights are non-refundable and cannot be changed. You are not allowed to buy a one-way flight that you can only use once. You have to purchase a round trip or multi-city ticket before you fly.

How to Find Cheap One-Way Flight Deals

The first step is to identify the destination you want to travel to. These sites aggregate flights from multiple providers and will likely have lower prices than booking directly with the airline. 

Once you have found an option that fits your travel preferences and budget, check out the price on Google Flights by typing in where you are going and when in the search bar at the top of this page. This will pull up flight options from different airlines based on what your desired dates are. You can also use these websites to figure out how much money you need for your trip and what different options would cost. Because these websites pull up flight options from multiple airlines, they may not have all of the cheapest rates available so it’s worth checking out other sites too.

Options for Finding the Best Deals on Your Flights

There are three different ways you can find the best deal for your flights. The first is to go through an aggregator, which will give you the lowest prices across multiple sites and airlines. The second is to search for one-way flights on a particular airline. Lastly, there is the option of using an app that compares fares from multiple airlines so that you can find a deal that suits you best.

Budgeting for a One-Way Flight

When planning on taking a one-way flight, you need to be sure that you can afford the cost. If you’re not sure how much a plane ticket will cost, it’s best to plan in advance and know approximately how much your trip will cost. To help you with this process, I’ve included a sample itinerary that I’ve created based on the average amount of days you’ll be gone and using the national average pricing for an airline ticket.

Are One-Way Flights Tickets are Cheaper than Round-Trip Flight Tickets?

One-way flights tickets are more expensive than round-trip flights because they don’t include the return flight. However, a round-trip ticket can be used to find cheaper one-way flights.


You know what they say, “Cheap is expensive.” When it comes to finding the best one-way flight deals, the rule of thumb is to compare prices for both round-trip flights and one-way flights. There are many ways to find cheap one-way flights depending on your travel needs, but the easiest way is to start at your home airport. That way you can find cheap flights to and from your destination.