How to Calculate your Personality Number in Numerology

Numerology can provide the key to your personality and like everything else about us; it is unique and only relevant to ourselves. Your personality number helps you decipher the meanings behind this hidden code and leads to greater understanding about what makes us tick and how we are likely to react with the world. It also brings you a greater understanding on how the world sees you.

Numerology CalculatorSo if you want to gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be you and you want to harness the power of your spiritual number, you first need to find it. This is calculated to a single digit number and what this number says about you, explains much about who you are, your personality traits and the way you go through your life.

First up, you need to convert the letters in your name to numbers. You need your full name including any middle names you may have. However you only factor in the consonants and not the vowels. Each letter has a value up to 9.

  • 1 – J, S
  • 2- B, K, T
  • 3 – C, L
  • 4 – D, M, V
  • 5- N, W
  • 6- F, X
  • 7- G, P, Y
  • 8- H, Q, Z
  • 9- R,

Once you have this code, calculating your personality number is a breeze. First add up the numbers and then reduce this to a single digit.

So if your name is John Smith, your individual numbers are: 1 + 8 + 5 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 8. This adds up to 29.

You then add the 2 and 9 together making 11. To reduce this number into a single digit code, you then add 1+ 1 to make 2.

This means that 2 is your personality number. This number is associated with being trustworthy, honest and thoughtful, so if this is you, you are a good person to have around and probably should be working in a position that requires a high level of trust and reliability.

All 9 numbers are associated with different personality types and traits and help to explain the world and how we see it. They also explain why sometimes we find ourselves in situations we may not be suited for, without understanding why.

Numerology is not a new fad. It dates back to long before Christianity and was first mentioned in ancient Greek philosophy.

Pythagoras, a philosopher living in 500 BC and best known for his theories on geometry and math was also a leading exponent of numerology. In more recent years spiritual numbers and numerology have been used to predict the stock market. If you want a simpler way to calculate your personality number simply find a real numerology name calculator and enter your full name.