Brazilian Arabica Coffee: Here’s all you Need to Know!

Irrespective of the geographical location or cultural background, the love for coffee is the same everywhere. It has been an important part of people’s daily life ever since coffee was discovered as a consumable beverage. A majority of the coffee drinkers just can’t start their day off without a cup of coffee. Owing to the high caffeine content, people have grown more addicted and used to drinking coffee every day!

There are different types of coffee consumers each differentiated on the basis of consumption patterns and preferences. While some people love to have premium tasted coffee in a café whereas others want it right after they wake up in the morning. Routine coffee drinkers prefer to have standard-grade coffee beans that taste strong and retain their aromatic essence.

However, in the case of occasional coffee consumers, they like to have superior quality coffee that can be obtained from beans such as the best arabica coffee  beans. There are a variety of coffee beans available that have different tastes, grading, and aroma. Out of these, premium Arabica coffee is one of the world’s most popular types of coffee that has huge demand in the international market.

Brazilian Arabica Coffee

If you’re one of those coffee enthusiasts who love to discover new coffee types and try them, this blog is for you! Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world thus making its coffee well-demanded and consumed globally. Interestingly, 80% of the coffee produced in Brazil is Arabica and accounts for a majority of the exports. Its smooth and sweet taste comes with a pleasant perfumey smell that is widely preferred over other types. Find out more about the best arabica coffee, keep reading.

 Arabica Coffee: What is it? 

The origin of Arabica coffee can be traced back to the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia. This coffee is made from the beans of the Arabica Coffea plant and makes up 60% of the coffee production worldwide. The name ‘Arabica’ is due to the fact that it was Arab scholars who wrote about a brewed beverage for the first time. They claimed that this beverage helped them in working for long hours. This is from where the concept of a ‘brewed beverage’ and ‘coffee’ spread.

Arabica Coffee: Where is it Grown?  

Arabica coffee grows mostly in tropical regions around the equator. The Arabica Coffee plant does not thrive in harsh climates and cannot stand frosty weather conditions. The ideal temperature for an Arabica Coffea plant is between 15°C and 24°C.  The preferred elevation for the arabica coffee is around 600+ meters above sea level.

Usually, the coffee plants are grown up to 2 meters to make harvesting easier for the farmers. The berries of the arabica coffee plant that contains the coffee beans Supplier do not ripen at the same time. Therefore, they are best when hand-picked and turn out to be premium in quality.

Arabica Coffee: What Does it Taste Like? 

Generally speaking, the best arabica coffee has a slightly sweet taste with hints of caramel, nuts, and chocolate. The smoother and sweeter taste of this coffee makes it better tasted than other coffee types such as robusta coffee. Unroasted arabica coffee beans smell like blueberries thus making it a more pleasant and preferred choice. The taste of the coffee beans highly depends on the degree to which the beans are roasted. While the general flavor and aroma of the coffee beans remain the same, their quality and preservation further determine their value and grade.

Most of the coffee beans that you buy or consume are the Arabica coffee types. Owing to its high production all across Brazil and demand, most brands sell arabica coffee as their mainstream product. You may also find some espresso mixes that are a blend of both arabica and robusta coffee beans. So, now that you know the key characteristics of best arabica coffee, it’s time to try it out!