3 Life Hacks To Buy Time Before Getting a Heart Attack Treatment

A heart attack can occur anytime anywhere. It is experienced by people suffering from detected or undetected illness. Heart attacks can be very threatening but many of the patients survive the first blow. It hampers the capabilities of a heart but with proper medical care, it can be averted. A patient should get a proper heart attack treatment in a renowned hospital to get over the trauma and recover. It is recommended to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the probability of heart diseases in the future from a young age.

Getting a Heart Attack Treatment3 Heart attacks hacks one should know
A quick action can save your life when you know that medical assistance will take time to come. Here is a list of things you can do to find more time in your hand and tackle the situation.

1. Contact someone immediately
The most important thing to ponder is the list of symptoms of a heart attack. When you feel you are having a heart attack, call someone near you for medical assistance. Buy as much time as you can. You can also call someone to take you to a nearby hospital.

2. Aspirin
If the patient is conscious and is not allergic, you can give him aspirin to chew to and swallow with a glass of water. Try to calm him down and make him relax. Aspirin has anticoagulant properties. It will try to reduce the degree of blood clotting in the heart. It is a very effective part of a heart attack treatment you can follow.

3. Cough CPR
If someone is experiencing a heart attack, a coughing CPR can be very helpful. When we cough, our diaphragm constricts and puts pressure on the lungs to exhale air at a faster rate. Due to the pressure on the lungs, the heart also gets squeezed to an extent causing induced pumping to make the blood flow. In fact, it is also said that coughing can deliver a higher amount of blood to your brain and keeps you conscious and make your heart beat in a normal way. If someone is conscious, he can cough deeply and give ease to his heart.

Symptoms Of a Heart Attack
One must identify the onset of a heart attack to take specific precautions beforehand.

  • The central portion of your chest will show utter discomfort. It can last for a few minutes and can repeat. You will feel heaving, pain, squeezing and fullness.
  • You will also experience discomfort in the back, neck, arms, jaw, and /or stomach. It might feel like general discomfort or normal pain.
  • One of the prime symptoms of a heart attack is shortness of breath or problem in breathing.
  • A patient feels lightheaded, dizzy, and nauseated. You can also feel like vomiting and experience cold sweats.

Before getting a proper heart attack treatment in a reputed hospital, it is necessary to buy more time. Keep things handy if you have a history or being detected with heart diseases. Make sure you have someone on your speed dial to contact to get assistance.